By bringing together one man and one woman into a lifelong commitment, marriage fosters a unique partnership of love, stability, and mutual self-giving for the relationship and any children to come from their union.
Marriage is an essential mechanism in society which unites children with their moms and dads. The true nature of marriage honors the sexual differences between men and women and is beneficial for children.
The Catholic Church in Michigan has a number of resources for those who are seeking help for obstacles within their marriage, in order to strengthen their mutual love and restore their commitment to one another.
If I get married, will I be happy? What does God want for married couples? How does marriage impact society? We have answers…
Parish resources regarding the Year for Marriage and the Michigan Celebrates Marriage education campaign are available here for Catholic dioceses and churches throughout the state. These resources promote an understanding of the unique relationship between a man and a woman, husband and wife, and how marriage is beneficial for children and the common good.
Michigan Celebrates Marriage provides Catholic parishes, schools and institutions across the state, as well as the general public, with a precise understanding of why marriage between one man and one woman is important for families, communities and children.
To learn more about marriage and married life, contact information for diocesan Family Life Ministry offices is listed here. If you have questions about Michigan Celebrates Marriage or the Year for Marriage educational materials, ask them here.
Reuniendo a un hombre y a una mujer en un compromiso de por vida, el matrimonio fomenta una asociación única de amor, estabilidad y entrega mutua en la relación y de los hijos que han de venir de su unión.